To search for peer review entities, you can use this endpoint on the DSpace REST webapp:

This endpoint requires ONE of the following search parameters to perform a lookup:

  • pId; Publisher legacy ID of a publisher that has been attached to an item that contains peer review information; Publisher UUID of a publisher that has been attached to an item that contains peer review information.
  • isbn: ISBN linked to an item that contains peer review information.
  • doi: DOI of an item that contains peer review information.
  • title: Name of a publisher that can contain multiple peer reviews linked to the publisher.

The endpoint only supports one search parameter at the same time. In case zero or more than one parameter is provided, an error response (status 400) will be shown.

Based on the query, one or more Peer Review entities will be returned. When no results could be found for a query, an error response containing status 404 will be shown.

Example query: Search for a book, using its DOI: